Thursday, December 3, 2015

What'd I Miss?

My last post was well over a month ago, and there was a point last month when I nervously wondered if it would be my last ever. I was deep, deep into my goals for National Novel Writing Month, and I didn't have an extra ounce of energy to spend creating any other sentences. But even before November kicked off, there were so many other things flooding in to fill my time.  Nice things, like visiting with friends and family, celebrating my 30th birthday (my sister threw me a mind-blowing surprise birthday party mid month and family came in from all over the country to celebrate), getting ready for Halloween with my costume-loving husband and kids. I have been reading a lot, and listening to a ton of music, and I've had some great day trips. It's been a fantastic fall.

But I miss writing here. I miss sharing ideas and stories, and I am holding out on you with some really inspiring interviews about ladies who are uniquely their own, and who are living their best lives, even if it means making unconventional choices. There is a lot to think about in the world right now, everything from refugees who need our support to the newest Broadway musical that I can't stop singing (spoiler alert: it is called Hamilton and it is amazing). I have links COMING OUT OF MY EARS to share with you. 

I feel like I have not done ANY justice to Be Your Own Book Club this year, and I'm so grateful to you guys who have followed along with my bumbling efforts! I'm hoping to be more organized going into 2016, maybe planning the books further ahead, and possibly even doing an IRL meetup to talk bookishly. I loved The Ocean at the End of the Lane (our October read) and got to see Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer (his wife) at the Boston Book Festival at the end of October. I'm not going to have a pick for December, but I will plan on rolling things out officially a bit before January 1st!

Here is the PSA I need to read for this time of year, in case you need to hear this, too: "the holidays" can be extremely draining, regardless of how you celebrate. Guzzle water like you need it to live (you do), try to stick to normal meals with green things included, and move your body as much as possible. If, by some freak accident, you do end up dehydrated and laying under a table with powdered sugar ringing your mouth and last night's mascara crusted in the corners of your eyes (this has never happened to me), be gentle with yourself. Drink a big glass of water and wash your face. You can try again tomorrow.

The wonderful Sam Axford won The Daily Note planning pad! It's on it's way, Sam!

I just wanted to touch base and let you know that each of you lovely ladies and gents are on my mind, I'm grateful for my little readership, and I'm looking forward to chatting more in the days and months and years ahead. Much love! xo

(The image above is an example of my husband's devotion to Halloween- both boys had alternate trick or treating costumes as well. The pictures were taken by Ben and edited into the background by our good friend Vatche. Despite the fact that I am wearing a sheet and not totally into how I look in this pic, it may well be our Christmas card.)

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At December 4, 2015 at 1:12 PM , Blogger Molly said...

I'm so glad that your last post wasn't your LAST post. I love, love, love this blog and I'm excited to dive back into Be Your Own Book Club in January. (Like, ridiculously excited.) Thank you for writing and being awesome and encouraging the rest of us to do the same.

At December 5, 2015 at 5:25 AM , Blogger ashlie said...

Meeting you is one of the best things that has happened because of blogging! I'm so glad that this friendship exists and we'll read together more in the new year!

At December 5, 2015 at 4:09 PM , Blogger Molly said...

This makes me happy. I'm so glad we're friends! :)


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